March 2009: Fire Under the Snow UK film screenings

With very special guest speaker Tibetan Buddhist monk and ex-political prisoner of 33 years, Palden Gyatso
[London 14-21 March 2009] Tibet Society is honoured to be hosting the London, Cardiff, Bristol, Norwich and Edinburgh premieres of the acclaimed new film ‘Fire Under the Snow’ with very special guest from India – the film’s star, Palden Gyatso. Palden will also be holding public talks in Leeds and London. 

Fire Under the Snow is the acclaimed true story of Palden Gyatso, a Tibetan Buddhist monk since childhood, who was arrested by the Chinese communist army in 1959. He spent the next 33 years in prison for the “crimes” of demonstrating peacefully and refusing to falsely denounce his teacher as an Indian spy. He was tortured, starved and forced to perform hard labour. He watched his nation and culture destroyed, his teachers, friends and family displaced, jailed or killed by the Chinese occupiers. Despite this, he remained unbroken, keeping the flame of his spirit ablaze.

Completed in 2008, this new film of Palden’s stunningly dramatic and inspirational true story has already received much acclaim, and Tibet Society is extremely honoured not only to be hosting the Cardiff and Bristol, Norwich and Edinburgh premieres but also Palden Gyatso’s visit to the UK to accompany the film and take questions from the audience following each screening.

Proceeds from each event go to Tibet Society.

Please show your support for this tour by passing on details to friends, family and colleagues. Palden Gyatso survived decades of suffering for the large part through his desire to escape and let the world know the truth about the situation in Tibet. As he gets older and travels less frequently, this really is a very rare opportunity to meet such an incredibly inspirational figure in the UK; despite Palden’s almost inconceivable years of suffering, his strength, love, compassion and humour remain with you long after you meet him – we sincerely recommend meeting him as an experience never to be forgotten.


Wednesday 18th March Norwich
Norwich premiere screening of ‘Fire Under the Snow’with Very special guest, Palden Gyatso will be present to take questions from the audience following the screening. Proceeds to Tibet Society.
Time: 8.30pm
Venue: Cinema City, St Andrews Street, Norwich NR2 4AD
Tickets: Tickets are £7.50 (Members: £5.50; Concession: £5). Available from Cinema City Box Office 0871 704 2053

Thursday 19th March Leeds
Public talk plus question and answer session with very special guest, long-term ex-political prisoner Palden Gyatso
Time: 6 – 7.30pm
Venue: Western Lecture Theatre, Leeds University Business School, Leeds University, Leeds LS2 9JT
Admission: FREE (Donations to Tibet Society gratefully accepted)

Friday 20th March Edinburgh
Edinburgh premiere screening of ‘Fire Under the Snow’with Very special guest, Palden Gyatso will be present to take questions from the audience following the screening. Proceeds to Tibet Society.
Time: 10am
Venue: Edinburgh Filmhouse Cinema, 88 Lothian Road, Edinburgh, EH3 9BZ
Tickets: Tickets are £7.50 (Concession: £5). Available from Tibet Society from 16/3/09 on 020 7272 1414

Saturday 21st March London
Public talk plus question and answer session with very special guest, long-term ex-political prisoner Palden Gyatso. 
Time: 7pm
Venue: Frontline Club, 13 Norfolk Place, London W2 1QJ
Tickets: Tickets are £10.00 (Concession: £8). Available from Tibet Society from 16/3/09 on 020 7272 1414

These screenings/ talks are being held as part of the commemorations to mark the 50th anniversary of the 10 March 1959 Uprising in Tibet, which led not only to the arrest of Palden Gyatso, but to the massacre of 87,000 Tibetans and the subsequent exodus to freedom in exile of the Dalai Lama and many hundreds of thousands of Tibetan people.

For more information about any of these events, call 020 7272 1414.