The Dalai Lama to headline Glastonbury!

We can finally reveal the rumuors are true. The Dalai Lama will be appearing at the Glastonbury this weekend! The Dalai Lama will be giving a talk in the Green Fields at approximately 10.15am on Sunday 28 June to festival go-ers on the themes of compassion, non-violence and the oneness of humanity. The Glastonbury visit is part of a four-day UK trip by the Dalai Lama.

dalai-lama-pa-2015Tibet Society will be attending the festival on Sunday, to help promote the Tibetan cause for freedom and justice amongst festival go-ers. As well as our own stall in the Green Fields we will be distributing free infocards along with other UK-based Tibet organisations.

During his UK visit, the Dalai Lama will also be giving a public talk in Aldershot. At the time of writing there were still a few tickets left.

Purchase tickets for the Aldershot talk online via

Further reading:
Glastonbury Festival: The Dalai Lama to visit Glastonbury on Sunday
Guardian: Glastonbury 2015: Dalai Lama confirms his Sunday appearance
BBC: Glastonbury festival announces visit from Dalai Lama