The Tibetan National Uprising is commemorated annually by exiled Tibetans and Tibet supporters, with events remembering its victims and those of the ongoing occupation, as well as calling for an end to China’s oppressive policies in Tibet and for action from the international community.
Show your support for freedom and justice for Tibet and express solidarity with Tibetans inside Tibet by participating in events marking the anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan National Uprising.
Tuesday, 5 March: Wreath-Laying Ceremony, LondonIn Memory of the Innocent Victims of the Occupation of Tibet – The All Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet Tibet Society and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet (APPGT) will host a Wreath-Laying ceremony at the Memorial to All Innocent Victims of Oppression, War and Violence at Westminster Abbey, to remember the victims of those Tibetans who died under China’s occupation of Tibet. Sunday 10 March: Tibet Freedom March & Rally (from 1:30pm)On 10 March 1959, Tibetans rose up against China’s occupying forces. Thousands were killed and the aftermath led to the Dalai Lama and hundreds of thousands of Tibetans fleeing into exile in India. This year, Tibetans and Tibet supporters will commemorate the 60th anniversary by remembering those who have died during China’s occupation and calling for freedom and human rights in Tibet. Gather from 1:30pm on Richmond Terrace, London SW1 (opposite Downing Street). March starts at 2:30pm. Rally from approx. 4pm outside the Chinese Embassy, 49-51 Portland Place, London W1 Sunday 10 March: Tibet Uprising Commemoration (doors open 5:30pm. Until 9pm)An evening event commemorating the anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising. The evening will consist of talks, film, music and interactive events on Tibetan culture, history and campaign actions. Refreshments will be available. Venue: Mahatma Gandhi Hall, Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AQ.